Talent Acquisition
In generations past, the holy grail of nearly all executive search firms was their “private candidate database.” Search professionals touted these databases as their unique Fort Knox so to speak. While our firm in fact tracks over 25,000 marketing executives in our database, we do not see this as the valuable point of difference that many search firms still claim their candidate database to be.
Why? Because today, there is very little if any value in a “private” candidate database for the simple reason that virtually ALL professionals within an industry segment are listed in at least one or more public databases!
Bottom Line: Identifying a pipeline of executives for a key leadership role is NO LONGER the challenge. The central challenge today for a professional Recruiter is the ability to put together an effective strategy for attracting and extracting the one best candidate for your specific leadership role. We believe that this is what recruiting is all about in the competitive world of Marketing.
We believe that our ability to attract and extract the right candidate for your assignment translates into The Troyanos Group’s most valuable and enduring point of difference.